Give your creations the visibility they deserve with Pivot, the new benchmark for vertical refrigerated display cases. Designed to enhance frozen cakes, pastry products and praline confectionery, Pivot gives an all-round panorama of the food on display and makes good use of all the internal space, free from barriers, to guarantee maximum capacity.
è Pivot.
Pivot is ETL certified for Gelato/Pastry, |
The pluses of Pivot
Reference sectors
Ventilated refrigeration
+35°C (95°F) - 60% R.H.
Static refrigeration
+30°C (+86°F) - 55% R.H.
-20°C;-10°C (-4°F;+14°F)
Gelato / Pastry
-20°C;+2°C / +4°C;+8°C (-4°F;+35.6°F / +39.2°F;+46.4°F)
+4°C;+8°C (+39.2°F;+46.4°F)
+14°C;+18°C / +4°C;+8°C (+57.2°F;+64.4°F / +39.2°F;+46.4°F)
H 1550 (61.06") / 1900 (74.80")
L 650 (25.60") / 850 (33.46")
D 650 (25.59")
Black RAL 7021
White RAL 9002
Size - mm (inches)
H 1500 (59.05") / 1900 (74.80")
L 650 (25.59") / 850 (33.46") - freestanding (no counter version)
3 and 4 glass sides
Gelato/ Ventilated pastry - Static Gelato - Ventilated pastry
Condensing unit: built-in air with 50 Hz voltage
Pivot is ETL certified for Gelato/Pastry, Pastry and Praline services.