
design Giulio Iacchetti
The exclusive display case that makes you the star

A display case with a unique look in which shape and feature merge like the visual appeal and the flavour of your pastry-making art. Free from weights, decorations and overhead structures, Colonna is an illuminated island where the first-class creations of your artisan expertise meet your customers’ desire.

è Colonna.

Colonna is ETL certified for Pastry
and Praline services.

The pluses of Colonna

  • Express your talent

    Give your creations the visibility they deserve.

    The single-level display and modular lighting ensure an excellent view of products on display.

  • Freshly made

    Perfectly preserves the flavour, appeal and properties of the food: the possibility to adjust temperature and ideal humidity based on product on display. The technological core enclosed in the column for gentle but efficient ventilation, and the double glazed door on the operator-side to keep the cold inside, guarantee the highest quality preservation of your products.

  • Perfection is in the details

    Every element of Colonna is designed to offer a superior finish and maximum attention to detail:

    • Pull-out display tray (Ifi patent) to reach the foods with a single gesture. The trays are made of back-painted glass, white or black to match the finish of the display case.
    • Front glass with 45° opening.
    • Unique and original design.

Reference sectors

The best solution for all businesses. Choose Ifi for your venue!
Ifi technology
  • Gas R290

    Discover the range of Ifi display cases and products using R290 natural refrigerant gas (Propane)...

  • Refrigeration technology

    Ifi's top-quality refrigeration technology is guaranteed by testing which goes wll beyond the sta...

  • Galileo

    Galileo digital connection system allows you to monitor and set the parameters of each Ifi produ...

Would you like to know more?
Contact our team; we will be happy to help you
Technical information
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Product specifications
Climatic class 4


+32°C (+89.6°F) - 60% R.H.


+32°C (+89.6°F) - 60% R.H.



+4°C;+8°C (+39.2°F;+46.4°F)

Praline / Pastry
+14°C;+18°C / +4°C;+8°C (+57.2°F;+64.4°F / +39.2°F;+46.4°F)

Size - mm (inches)

H 1151 (45.28")

L 1200 (47.24") (2 sliding trays)

L 1750 (68.90") (3 sliding trays)

D 852 (33.54")


White RAL9001*

Black RAL 7021*

*The trays are made of back-painted glass, white or black to match the finish of the display case.


Built-in condensing unit R290 or R452A


Colonna is ETL certified for Pastry and Praline services

Energy label
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