Condolences for our President Gianfranco Tonti

We would like to express our gratitude for all the messages of condolence, closeness and affection shown following the passing of our beloved President, Gianfranco Tonti. His absence leaves an immense void in our hearts.

Your words of comfort, your numerous expressions of esteem and gratitude for having shared important professional and personal life paths at his side have been, in this difficult time, a great support to the family and the entire Ifi ed Et al. community. They authentically witness his way of interpreting the enterprise and good relationships, which he never lived superficially.

We will always remember the President for his extraordinary guidance, energy and entrepreneurial vitality. His innovative spirit, never at peace, his commitment and dedication to building an entrepreneurial culture filled with values, that are not only professional, but human and social, will always continue to guide and inspire our daily work.

The entire Community of Ifi and Et al.

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